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Exploring the Impact of Caffeine on Mental and Physical Health

Caffeine, a naturally occurring stimulant found in coffee, tea, and various energy drinks, is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances in the world. Its popularity stems from its…

Exploring the Link Between Gut Health and Mental Well-being

In recent years, the scientific community has been uncovering a fascinating and complex connection between gut health and mental health. Emerging research suggests that the state of our digestive system…

In a first, doctors treat fatal genetic disease before birth

A toddler is thriving after doctors in the U.S. and Canada used a novel technique to treat her before she was born for a rare genetic disease that caused the…

Mindfulness worked as well for anxiety as drug in study

Mindfulness meditation worked as well as a standard drug for treating anxiety in the first head-to-head comparison. The study tested a widely used mindfulness program that includes 2 1/2 hours…

CDC to conduct health study at polluted former Army base

Federal health officials are conducting a new study to determine whether veterans once stationed at a now-shuttered California military base were exposed to dangerously high levels of cancer-causing toxins. The…

China promises change but sticks to severe ‘zero COVID’ plan

Chinese leaders promised Thursday to improve quarantine and other anti-virus policies after public frustration boiled over into protests but said they will stick to a severe “zero COVID” strategy that…
